My Candle Creations

Friday, November 13, 2009

Words from the competition...

This is a convo I received on my Etsy account last week...

Hey there! I started making candles about 3 years ago, mainly because I had to find a way to support my addiction to BUYING candles & tarts! Ha!

I just wanted to tell you, that you are doing a FAB job! I was searching for one of my candles to see where it was pulling up in search and I swear I wanted to reach through the screen and take a bite outta one of yours! So, if one day I buy from you I don't want you to think I'm crazy because I make my own..
Great job!


Ok, so even the people who make their own candles want to buy my candles!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have some of the prettiest candles I have ever seen :)
