I had listed a bunch of new tart warmers in my Etsy store but Etsy asked me to removed them because they were not handmade by me...really!
I am sorry Etsy I just don't have the time to make my own tart warmers and if I did I probably would have to sell them for a $100.00 a pieces.
It would seem logical to sell tart warmers when you make and sell tart melts...I guess not!
When I asked about the other vendors selling Tart Warmers on Etsy I was told that Etsy does not have the time to police every listing...Oh! So they just police the ones that are reported by the competion I guess...starts to smell like eBay to me.
So if you want to buy a Tart Warmer just contact me. I have them listed on my Facebook page Cinnamon Creek Country Candles.